D!OS and the importance of promoting design in Spain
While DIOS means GOD in Spanish, it is actually the acronym of the Design Institute of Spain, one of Sträbe’s collaborators.
The Design Institute of Spain is an official body founded in 2019. Since the disappearance in 2012 of the D.D.I.: the state society for the Development of Design and Innovation, there was no entity in Spain to promote nationally and internationally companies and designers in a transversal way. Taking this into account, DIOS carries out its mission to revitalize the links between public administrations, companies and professionals that promote the culture of ‘design made in Spain’. A sector whose economic impact in industrial terms already accounted for more than 10.1% of GDP in 2013 and which employed more than 9.4% of the workforce (European Commission figures).

Co-creation and synergies are part of the DNA of both the Design Institute of Spain and Sträbe. Creativity is essentially understood as active processes; where people and brands can share spaces, create emotional bonds and expand their professional and personal relationships. DIOS believes in collaboration, networking and learning to bring projects, designers and companies together and increase their global visibility.

In a few years, DIOS has created a truly collaborative ecosystem. Platforms such as Sträbe, the International Forum Design, the Spanish Fashion Creators Association, sponsors such as the University of Deusto and BCN Retail School, and agencies such as Batlle Group all belong to this prestigious and energetic community.

The Design Institute of Spain is an official body founded in 2019. Since the disappearance in 2012 of the D.D.I.: the state society for the Development of Design and Innovation, there was no entity in Spain to promote nationally and internationally companies and designers in a transversal way. Taking this into account, DIOS carries out its mission to revitalize the links between public administrations, companies and professionals that promote the culture of ‘design made in Spain’. A sector whose economic impact in industrial terms already accounted for more than 10.1% of GDP in 2013 and which employed more than 9.4% of the workforce (European Commission figures).

Talk Show about "Design and Gastronomy" at the Bridal Trade Fair, Barcelona Sept 2020
Since then, we have experienced a digital revolution that has accelerated the need for beautiful, meaningful, dynamic, and socially significant design. In view of this, DIOS aspires to create and lead a community of people focused on promoting and defending the culture of design as a way to change the world. And DIOS believes in design above all else: its religion is to look to the future, dream big, build bridges, create value and have a positive impact on society through design.Co-creation and synergies are part of the DNA of both the Design Institute of Spain and Sträbe. Creativity is essentially understood as active processes; where people and brands can share spaces, create emotional bonds and expand their professional and personal relationships. DIOS believes in collaboration, networking and learning to bring projects, designers and companies together and increase their global visibility.

First Lunch-III Boutique networking DIOS, at Cosentino City Barcelona 2021
Similarly, DIOS promotes innovation. A concept understood as the sum total of our experience and knowledge to create something new and successful. DIOS's general approach to design lies in its competitive strategy, where its innovative spirit is embodied by its commitment to think outside the box and be part of the future of design.In a few years, DIOS has created a truly collaborative ecosystem. Platforms such as Sträbe, the International Forum Design, the Spanish Fashion Creators Association, sponsors such as the University of Deusto and BCN Retail School, and agencies such as Batlle Group all belong to this prestigious and energetic community.

Master Conference "Design and Country Identity", Bilbao Nov 2020
Recently DIOS launched an advanced training program in collaboration with the I.C.E.B entitled ACADEMY. This project is linked to its series of Webinars and Design Talks aimed at making professionals and companies in the design sector more competitive and committed to their industry.About the author.