Interview with Identty
Interviews – Jun 19, 2022

Interview with Identty

Design, Services, Technology
We interviewed Anna Ortiz, Founding Partner and Art Director of identty, and Clara Vidal, Account Manager of identty.

Interview with Anna Ortiz and Clara Vidal at Consentino.
[Add English subtitles in Youtube]
Identty describes itself as an independent creative agency that provides tailor-made solutions, specialising in branding, digital communication, e-commerce and retail. As Anna and Clara explain, the agency's value proposition is to create tailor-made solutions focused on people through design, technology, strategy, and business innovation.

In the interview, identty talks about the origins of the agency founded by Creative Director Antonio Horcajo, who started working as a freelancer for advertising agencies, retail companies, and other clients. As he was awarded more and more projects, Antonio began to talk to his friends about creating a team. He gradually took on new workers and ended up putting together a team, which subsequently grew. Nowadays the agency also has 4 partners, all of them with different profiles: strategy, design, technology and business.

The services offered by identty range from conceptualising an idea to design work and the submission of proposals. Thanks to the varied specialised profiles of the agency team, each department can provide a specific or, if required by the client, turnkeysolution.

For this reason, the agency’s services range from business model analyses, including strategy, graphic design (branding, posters, advertising, packaging), web design and programming, e-commerce, and apps, to the design of spaces or implementation of promotional campaigns via digital marketing or offline advertising.

Anna and Clara explain that identty specialises in a variety of sectors, which helps the agency keep it’s finger on the pulse in fashion, automotive, catering, startups, beauty and cosmetics, construction... even children’s items and publishing. In some projects the agency has accompanied their clients for years, while others are one-offs. It is worth noting that identty's clients are not only in Barcelona; they located as far and wide as Madrid, the Basque Country, Ibiza, Costa Rica and Colombia.

In the interview, the team explains that the agency stands out from the crowd due to the comprehensive strategic approach it applies to all projects. They also have their own development projects that they launch on the market through an internal hub to test and better understand their clients, which offers great value. Finally, they stand out from the competition in that they seek out clients from different sectors so that they remain at thevanguard of creativity and do not get pigeonholed, ensuring that they take a dynamic strategic approach to their projects.

We also asked the identty team about the creative process. Anna explains that it depends in part on the department, but in general, they follow the following steps: research, ideation, design, testing or validation and final application.

When it comes to their retail design process, identty follows the same methodology described above but with a special focus on additional factors such as socio-cultural influences, the architectural space, the materials used, the lighting, how store items are arranged, and of course, the search for an omnichannel experience to help improve the customer experience and create lasting brand links.

As Clara explains, for identty, excellent design transforms and drives the brand experience. For the team, there is a big difference between a space that is well thought out and well crafted and one that is not. In her opinion, excellent design allows a brand to communicate effectively with the customer in any environment, but for the design to work, it must be based on a strategy with a clear objective, and must be comfortable, logical, well-organised, attractive and engaging.

For this reason, to design a point of sale, identty believes that it is essential to study the user and their habits. The agency invests a lot of time in analysing the market and the competition, helping their clients to identify and satisfy the demands of today's consumer, focusing on the benefits that derive from creating the most pleasant and enriching shopping experience possible. And all this, taking into consideration every last detail of the brand identity, which goes beyond the branded graphics and is visible in the materials of every item, because they know that each item is part of a whole and should be perceived as such throughout the shopping experience.

During the identty interview we also discuss the agency's greatest challenges and look in detail at some of the agency's latest projects, such as the space design competition for Mango, the creation of Maestró, a brewery and restaurant in the centre of Barcelona; and Selvatica, an artisan ice cream parlour that serves the recipes of a young creator of Colombian desserts.

Want to learn more about identty and its future projects? Then don't miss this interview with Sträbe!
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